08 January 2018
This text is the English translation of the official Turkish version of the applicable press release. It has been prepared solely as a reference and ease of use. Please refer to the original Turkish text for details and/or attributes. In case of any incongruity, original Turkish version shall prevail.
Mitsubishi Electric drew attention to environmental awareness in Energy Saving Week
Mitsubishi Electric, advancing towards becoming a pioneer green company on a global scale, sets the environmental awareness and energy efficiency as a priority in all its activities. Mitsubishi Electric, contributing to support a sustainable world with advanced technology solutions, draws attention by being a an ambitious solution partner for air conditioning, automation, elevator, escalators and visual data systems of environmentally friendly buildings, facilities and the infrastructure projects in Turkey with its high energy efficiency solutions. President of Mitsubishi Electric Turkey Şevket Saraçoğlu who made statements within Energy Saving Week, gave information about the targets of the brand about the commitment and targets regarding environment and energy efficiency.
Mitsubishi Electric, developing advanced technological solutions to improve the life quality of communities, attaches great importance to energy efficiency with the fact that one of the most important obstacles in front of the sustainable world is global climate change. In this context, President of Mitsubishi Electric Turkey Şevket Saraçoğlu, drew attention to the importance of energy saving and environmental awareness within the scope of Energy Saving Week aimed at increasing public awareness for the use of energy efficiently. Saraçoğlu who mentioned that Mitsubishi Electric works to create a brighter future with innovations, said that the brand contributed to the sustainable world through the works performed for houses, offices, factories, infrastructures and even space and continued his words as follows;
"The 'Eco Changes' principle, which is in line with Mitsubishi Electric's corporate motto 'Changes for the Better', which always expresses our commitment to development and change, represents the efforts of our brand to make the world and environment we live a better place. As Mitsubishi Electric; we aim to contribute to society by reducing carbon emissions, creating a society based on recycling, adapting to nature by respecting biological diversity and increasing environmental awareness."
Saraçoğlu underlined that all products and solutions of Mitsubishi Electric are developed in the framework advanced technology, quality and energy saving "We are an ambitious solution partner for the conditioning, automation, elevators, escalators and visual data systems of environmentally friendly buildings, facilities and infrastructure projects in the world as weel as in Turkey" and informed that;
The most effective and efficient use of resources available in the world is becoming increasingly important. In particular, the use of energy in the industry must be reduced without causing a fall in production and production standards. As Mitsubishi Electric, we are creating high added value in Turkish industry with our energy efficient and environmental factory automation products. We provide substantial energy savings in the enterprises and projects in Turkey with our environmentalist, user-friendly and long-lasting automation solutions. With our digital factory concept e-F@ctory, which responds to Mitsubishi Electric's Industry 4.0, we are able to provide the factories much faster, more efficient and environmentally friendly production. We aim to provide a trouble-free performance until the end of the life of the system that will provide maximum energy savings in line with European standards with an environmentally friendly approach in the area of residential, office and industrial air conditioning systems. With the technology invented by Mitsubishi Electric to determine the elevator speed according to the load inside the car and which is only found in the elevators of our brand, we save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions."
Saraçoğlu stated that while moving towards 100th anniversary in 2021, Mitsubishi Electric's acts towards the vision of long-lasting environmental management "Environmental Vision 2021", and gave the following information about the brand's environmental targets; "We, as Mitsubishi Electric, aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from product use in parallel to our 2021 targets by 30 percent compared to fiscal year 2001, and CO2 emissions from production by 30 percent compared to fiscal year 1991. At this point, the environmental report for the fiscal year 2017 (April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017) reveals that important steps have been taken towards achieving our targets.
According to the report, Mitsubishi Electric succeeded in reducing total annual greenhouse gas emissions to 1.34 million tons, a figure below the determined target figure 1.43 million tons, as a result of activities such as renewal of production facilities and review of operational processes. Through the replacement of air conditioning and lighting and the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in the factories, productivity in manufacturing increased, resulting in a reduction of 23 thousand tons of carbon dioxide from energy sources. Carbon dioxide emissions caused by 106 Mitsubishi Electric eco-products, primarily industrial mechatronics products and electrical appliances, were reduced by 35 percent with a performance above the target."
Saraçoğlu stated that using water risk assessment tool WRI Aqueduct developed by World Resources Institute (WRI), Mitsubishi Electric's priority is given to the global manufacturing fields which needed for water risk measures most and as a result, total water consumption was reduced by 40 thousand cubic meters.
Saraçoğlu said that the brand contributed to the improvement of cumulative water recycling rate thanks to some measures such as the reuse of the purified wastewater in cooling systems and finished his words "Mitsubishi Electric ranked in the A list for the second time which is the highest ranking in the climate and water categories by CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project).
Note that the releases are accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change without notice.