News Releases
This text is the English translation of the official Turkish version of the applicable press release. It has been prepared solely as a reference and ease of use. Please refer to the original Turkish text for details and/or attributes. In case of any incongruity, original Turkish version shall prevail.
21 May 2020
Standing out with its many hi-tech solutions from "home to space" Mitsubishi Electric launches webinars in collaboration with Chamber of Electric Engineers. Digitalizing the production lines of the businesses, and thereby, enabling them to shift to the smart production, Mitsubishi Electric launches the webinars "Age of Digital Factories", where it exchanges current developments in the fields of "Embedded Computer System", "Robots" and "Smart PLCs". To be hosted by Tolga Bizel, Product Management and Business Development Senior Manager at Factory Automation Systems Department of Mitsubishi Electric Turkey, the first of webinars was held on May 16th and continue until June 6th on Saturdays, free and open to everyone who is interested.
Carrying out important investments and activities in the digital transformation as an ambitious solution partner for the Turkish industrialists and infrastructure projects, Mitsubishi Electric continues communication with its stakeholders via digital platforms during the period of pandemics. In this context, Tolga Bizel, Senior Manager of Product Management and Business Development of Mitsubishi Electric Turkey Factory Automation Systems, has started to meet participants at the webinars organized by Chamber of Electric Engineers (EMO). The first of the webinar series under the concept of "Age of Digital Factories" was held under the title of "Embedded Computer Systems" on May 16th, attracting a great interest. New webinars will continue to be aired live until June 6th, every Saturday, at 3 p.m.
Responding to Industry 4.0 with its digital factory concept e-F@ctory, Mitsubishi Electric allows producers to have a leading-edge against the stiffed global competition with this concept using cutting-edge technology to optimize all factory layers from management to the production floor. Working for companies to reap the highest possible benefit from the Artificial Intelligence thanks to its proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) technology "Maisart", Mitsubishi Electric minimizes the production costs while maximizing the productivity with all its new generation automation solutions such as Robots, Embedded Computer Systems and smart PLCs among others. To register for free webinars where the today and future of digital transformation and innovative technologies of Mitsubishi Electric will be discussed in detail, please click and follow:
May 16th, 2020 - 3 p.m. - Age of Digital Factories and Embedded Computer Systems
May 23rd, 2020 - 3 p.m. - Age of Digital Factories and Robots
May 30th, 2020 - 3 p.m. - Age of Digital Factories and Smart PLCs
June 6th, 2020 - 3 p.m. - Age of Digital Factories and Embedded Computer Systems
Note that the press releases are accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change without notice.