News Releases
This text is the English translation of the official Turkish version of the applicable press release. It has been prepared solely as a reference and ease of use. Please refer to the original Turkish text for details and/or attributes. In case of any incongruity, original Turkish version shall prevail.
2 December 2020
An ambitious player in the factory automation and advanced robot technologies in Turkey, Mitsubishi Electric has gathered with university students, the decision-makers of the future, at ITURO LITE "Robot Olympiads" organized online by the Control and Automation Club of Istanbul Technical University. As a keynote speaker, Tolga Bizel, Manager of Product Management and Marketing Department of Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation Systems introduced the brand's next generation products and solutions boasting cutting-edge technology during his presentation "Age of Digital Factories and Robots". Elaborating on Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and future of robot technologies, Mr. Bizel underlined that human will always be needed for a successful rollout of the digital transformation.
Organized by Control and Automation Club of Istanbul Technical University under the name of ITURO LITE and gathered students, academicians and industry representatives working in the field of robotics, "Robot Olympiads" held online on November 28 to 29, 2020. Meeting with the students with his presentation "Age of Digital Factories and Robots" as part of the event, Tolga Bizel, Manager of Product Management and Marketing Department of Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation Systems shed light on the IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence, and the future of the robot technologies, advising the engineers of the future for their preparedness to the new industry phase.
Pointing out that digital transformation entered a new phase, robots have becoming rapidly widespread, and things in factories being done increasingly different than past, Tolga Bizel explained "Future will be shaped by Artificial Intelligence technologies. Because Artificial Intelligence has been playing an increasingly larger role in our daily lives. The most popular applications of Artificial Intelligence, we are encountering in our daily lives, are Internet searches, PID loops, automatic pilot and vision recognition. Involved with the production, as well, Artificial Intelligence has a myriad of skills such as parameter settings, troubleshooting, assisted maintenance, as well as voice and face recognition. If we want to have a production process that is one step ahead of our time, we have to apply Artificial Intelligence technologies to robots, too. Driven by the future vision that robots will rapidly start playing bigger role in production, we, as Mitsubishi Electric, are developing next generation products and solutions in advanced robot technologies. Thanks to the next generation collaborative robots enhanced with Artificial Intelligence, we are enabling companies to set up their robotic systems faster, intuitively, cost effectively, responding resiliently to rapidly changing business settings and social needs. Therefore, it becomes possible to prevent unforeseen malfunctions and alert users in advance about the components potential source of failures. With power sensors, our robots do not paralyze the system and works faster compared to the conventional system; it outperforms itself as it continues learning."
Giving the insight that digital twin simulation not only enabled significantly shorter design process of a factory but also improved the precision of simulation, Mr. Bizel noted that companies are using the Mitsubishi Electric's proprietary AI trademark "MAISART" technology to derive maximum benefit from Artificial Intelligence, explaining "Being an abbreviation of Mitsubishi Electric’s AI creates the State-of-the-ART in technology, MAISART significantly lowers the downtime in Artificial Intelligence-based factories and plants while boosting the productivity."
Defending that digitalization will not cause people unemployed instead people will be driven towards more intellectual works rather than labor-intensive works, Mr. Bizel concludes "Setting up perfectly running systems in production processes, smooth operations and when necessary revisions will always require human. The most important matter at this point is the creation of trained-qualified human resources and being prepared for the digitalization process. As a brand giving significant weight to the education of future generations, we are launching the educational support project for which we have long been contributing to establishment of robot education centers at engineering faculties of universities. As Mitsubishi Electric, we are foreseeing the requirements of next age, accordingly developing new technologies to meet the needs of future, and, at the same time, continuing to invest in human."
Note that the press releases are accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change without notice.