News Releases
Mitsubishi Electric meets young people who want to specialize in Industry 4.0Participating in the online education session of Young Executive Academy, Mitsubishi Electric explained students and fresh graduates the robot and artificial intelligence technologies
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26 January 2021
As the ambitious solution partners of the industrialists in factory automation and advanced robot technologies in Turkey, Mitsubishi Electric meets the students in online education program of Young Executive Academy launched by Student Career. In the session on the topic of Industry 4.0, Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation Systems Product Management and Marketing Section Manager Tolga Bizel, provided information about robots and artificial intelligence technologies to students and fresh graduates who wants to specialize in this field.

Gathering together with students and fresh graduates at Young Executive Academy organized by Student Career, Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation Systems Product Management and Marketing Section Manager Tolga Bizel, revealed young executive candidates about how artificial technologies change the industries.
Robots make things easier in manufacturing as much as in our daily lives
Pointing out that AI-powered robots are today needed more than ever before, Tolga Bizel said "Today, the robots working collaboratively with human has today become quite popular. This popularity stems from our need for robots more than ever before. Robots have increasingly been becoming a staple of not only our daily lives such as robotic vacuum cleaners, but also in the manufacturing, capable of interacting with human, self-learning and applying and delivering high levels of performance. Making our lives easier, robots started to gain skills in many diverse areas. AI-powered robots are very helpful for manufacturing at factories in order to respond the changing buying requirements of the consumer rapidly, at a reasonable price. Using the system parameters in the manufacturing thanks to AI-powered robots, it is now possible to avoid downtimes by creating an advanced interface in main areas such as data analytics, maintenance planning, etc."
Artificial Intelligence is a must in manufacturing technologies
Explaining example-setting operation system of the Kani factory of Mitsubishi Electric in Japan, Mr. Bizel said: "Our Nagoya-Works Kani factory having a cellular manufacturing style factory layout carries out customized manufacturing. Depending on the preferences of the consumers, relevant cells come together and after analysis, manufacturing takes place. We quickly respond to needs of our customers by using Artificial Intelligence technologies in our factories. In addition, we reduce the costs of manufacturing a product, while meeting the requirements of consumer, by eliminating the cost of cloud system in anywhere in the world. Also, thanks to the artificial intelligence, we retain the data required for manufacturing internally in the factory, ensuring the security of manufacturing data."
MAISART technologies makes logistics processes excellent
Elucidating the technology developed by Mitsubishi Electric using artificial intelligence for more efficient design of production line layouts and material flows and accurate prediction of the productivity, Tolga Bizel concluded; "We are embracing an approach where humans and robots work collaboratively. Therefore, we are offering an integrated system where both robots and work environment is powered by Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to MAISART technology, an acronym of the Mitsubishi Electric’s AI creates the State-of-the-ART in technology, using machine-learning algorithm, artificial intelligence-based factories and facilities now have reduced downtimes while boosting efficiency. Employing machine learning algorithm, this technology analyses sensor data, followed by a model creation to switch among different operational conditions. As the data analysis is done instantly, it is possible to shift to robots to a new working pattern swiftly, when necessary. This brand-new technology also enables the different products to be grasped by robot fingers at logistics centers. Just like sound, they sort out the products, and command the robot pick up the necessary products. And the result is an excellent logistics infrastructure."
Note that the press releases are accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change without notice.